It combines nutritionists that the mother's diet during lactation determines the quality of breast milk. From here you must all lactating women know that a bad diet means they will produce with low nutritional quality of milk as she would lose her stock of vitamins and calcium. If vitamins do not affect the amount of milk but affect the quality of nursing and the health of the mother. So what are the essential elements that must be met in the nursing mother's food system?
The most important vitamin for nursing mothers is calcium, and need nursing mother's milk 3 cups of calcium is equivalent to 1000 mg of calcium pills. Preferably taking calcium pills at noon or at night at a rate of 1000 mg tablets. So try to Taatnola 5 to 7 servings of calcium rich foods such as milk, yogurt, fat-free cheese (which is a good source of protein and low in calories). Other sources of calcium are vegetables such as lettuce, watercress, Alsliq, mallow, spinach, sour, Alruka, sardines, beans, sesame and sesame oil or flour.
Omega-3 unsaturated oils
Omega-3 is essential for the growth of the child, it enters in the composition of the membranes of brain cells and nerve. The fish is the primary source of Omega 3. species that can be consumed during lactation are salmon, grouper, shrimp. It is better to avoid tuna in pregnancy and lactation period wherein a high proportion of mercury harmful to the child. It is desirable to eat fish once or twice a week. The intention is salted nuts are very important because they are rich oils health of others important to the child saturated. Nuts, for example, is rich in omega-3, so you can eat 4 to 5 grains of nuts a week be enough.
Necessary for the woman, aged between 25 and 45, to lose it in this period, a lot of iron in the menstrual cycle. And mothers often suffer from fatigue, dizziness and hair loss at some point after birth, which means that it has a shortage of iron. It is better to take iron woman with orange juice because vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.
Folic acid
It is one of the vitamin B group, and taken at a dose of 500 micrograms. And of course always we recommend that you consult a doctor, to find out what vitamins necessary depending on the nature of your body.
Here's the correct diet for the mother breast-feeding
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